DYO Tinting System

Renk Pınarı (Fountain of Colors) system is a color making system consisting of a computer containing formulas, color making machine and mixer sets. The major characteristic of this system is to increase at once the classical limited number of color alternatives to approximately thousands of various color alternatives. When it is considered with the product varieties, in the system operating with over 30.000 color formulas entered into the computer, the colors can be produced in 2,5 Liters, 7,5 Liters and 15 Liters in the desired number.
Another important feature of the system is the possibility to obtain exactly any color at any time. Through the dealers of the Fountain of Colors where instant coloring can be made with this system at the sales points coloring can be made in water based internal paints and water based external paints as well as in coatings.


In Interior Wall Paints;
NANOIPEKMAT, in packaging of 2,5 Liters, 7,5 Liters and 15 Liters,
TEKNOPLAST, in packaging of 2,5 Liters, 7,5 Liters and 15 Liters,
DİNAMİK, in packaging of 2,5 Liters, 7,5 Liters and 15 Liters,
DİNAMİK MAT, in packaging of 2,5 Liters, 7,5 Liters and 15 Liters,
DYOPLAST SİLİKONLU,  Matt interior paint with silicone , in packaging of 2,5 Lt, 7,5 Lt, and 15 Liters
DYOPLAST, in packaging of 2,5 Liters, 7,5 Liters and 15 Liters,

In Exterior Wall Paints
AKROMAX , in packaging of 2,5 Liters, 7,5 Liters and 15 Liters,
TEKNOTEX, in packaging of 2,5 Liters, 7,5 Liters and 15 Liters,
DYOSİL,  in packaging of 2,5 Liters, 7,5 Liters and 15 Liters,
DİNAMİK ,  in packaging of 2,5 Liters, 7,5 Liters and 15 Liters,
DYOTEX , in packaging of 2,5 Liters, 7,5 Liters and 15 Liters,

In External Façade Coatings;
TEKNOTEX WITH GRAINS,  in packaging of 25 Kg,
DİNAMİK GRENLİ,  Silicone based exterior textured paint, in packaging of 25 Kg
TEXTURE (WITH GRAINS), in packaging of 25 Kg,

Wood & Metal Surfaces;
HIDROLUX, Water based Glossy paint for wood and metal surfaces, in packaging of 0,75 Lt and 2,5 Lt packages
HIDROTEN ,Water based semi gloss  paint for wood and metal surfaces, in packaging of  2,5 Lt packages
MASSIVELINE SU BAZLI PANEL KAPI BOYASI,  Water based semi gloss door paint with high opacity,in packaging of 0,75 Lt and 2,5 Lt.
MASSIVELINE SU BAZLI PANEL KAPI BOYASI İNCİ PARILTISI,  Water based semi gloss door paint with high opacity,in packaging of 0,75 Lt.