Our Sustainability Approach
Yaşar Group Companies continue to work for a sustainable world in all fields of activity.
Yaşar Group carries out its activities in a way to leave a healthier and sustainable physical and social environment for future generations for a livable world and a quality life.
Within the framework of the Sustainable Development Policy, Yaşar Group shares the value it creates with the understanding of "for a better life" to the society, consumers, employees, environment, customers and business partners in the value chain, "taking good care". Yaşar Group is expanding its ethical, accountable and honest management approach in line with the Sustainable Development Goals.
Our Corporate Social Responsibility Projects
Value for Tomorrow
As part of our “Value for Tomorrow” projects, we carry out projects for the society in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University. With “Value for Students” Project, we aim to increase the awareness of children about the elements that make up the space by providing primary school students with trainings on the use of color, heat and light. To accelerate the masters of the profession, "Value for Paint Masters" with Turkey over the masters of space, we provide educational programs about color and light. We have prepared a scientific school painting guide for the schools to be painted according to their geographical location and climate conditions within the scope of our “Value for Schools” project, which we realized in order to find a sustainable solution to many problems such as pouring paints by performing the painting process in accordance with the locations of the schools.
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We have educational contents prepared with the cooperation of Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University. With this project, we aimed to create awareness about the aesthetic values in the spaces by providing trainings about colors to primary school students from different cities in Turkey.
MOREValue for Schools
We have prepared a "school painting and paint usage standards guide" with the cooperation of the Ministry of National Education and Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University. In accordance with this guide prepared for all primary schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education, we carried out sample school painting practices by DYO painters who participated in our education programme.
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We have provided trainings to our painters who have Construction Painter Professional Competence Certificate in cooperation with Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University. We aimed to increase the professional reputation of our painters who care about their profession and have documented their mastery by providing training on subjects such as space composition, use of color and light in the space.