Sustainability Management Approach
Dyo Boya addresses sustainability with its social, economic, governance and environmental dimensions, and in addition to fulfilling its relevant responsibilities, the activities carried out also aim to protect and develop the Dyo Boya ecosystem.
Dyo Boya closely follows the developments regarding the climate crisis and considers the climate crisis as an important risk that brings economic and social impacts as well as environmental impacts.
Risks and opportunities in environmental, social and corporate governance issues were identified through risk assessments throughout the entire value chain. At the same time, the company observes the balance of using and protecting natural resources.
Being aware that natural resources are limited and valuable, Dyo Boya manages its production and business processes in line with the principle of sustainability and carries out studies for the conscious use of resources such as water, energy and waste, combating climate change and protecting the ecosystem.
Dyo Boya manages its activities on the axis of sustainability with Quality, Environment, Energy, Occupational Health and Safety, Customer Satisfaction, Information Security, Circular Economy and Waste, Climate Change, Personal Data Management System, Social Sustainability, Water and Wastewater, Sustainability and Managerial Sustainability Policies. (
ISO 14001 Environmental Management System and ISO 50001 Energy Management System promote its advancement toward bettering energy and environmental performance.
Dyo Boya determines and monitors sustainability targets in all aspects and includes the results in its activity reports.
Sustainability Studies
Corporate Carbon Footprint Calculation
While Dyo Boya's studies carried out within the scope of sustainability and greenhouse gas emission, water and waste data monitored on an annual basis are included in the Yaşar Sustainability Report, the "14064-1 Determination and Reporting of the Amount of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals" standard is integrated into existing management systems and 2023 The Corporate Carbon Footprint verification process was started in . Verification field inspections were carried out by TSE at Dilovası and Çiğli facilities for 2022 data. The verification process will be completed in 2024.
Product Carbon Footprint Calculation
In 2022, Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) studies were completed for 10 products in line with the Green Deal Action Plan and Sustainable Innovation studies. Within the scope of this study, the environmental impacts of the products throughout their entire life cycle were examined and "Product Carbon Footprint" calculations were made and EPD documents were obtained.
Sustainability Management, Supply Chain and Circular Economy
While managing the supply chain, it is aimed to increase the quality and sustainability awareness of suppliers. In this context, questions covering all areas of sustainability (environment, social, governance) are included in supplier evaluations, and suppliers' sustainability awareness is monitored within the scope of the evaluation plan with the Supplier Sustainability Index.
While supplier collaborations are important at Dyo Boya, it is aimed to develop a circular economy approach in the entire value chain. In this context, as a result of the work carried out with packaging suppliers;
- With the project of using 30% recycled materials in plastic packaging
o 113 tons of plastic packaging reduction was achieved in 2022.
- With the project of shortening plastic packaging sizes
o 202 tons of plastic reduction was achieved in 2022.
- The project to reduce the use of metal packaging has been completed.
On the other hand, it is a priority that all plastic packaging used for the shipment of paint products and purchased raw materials is recyclable.
- 260 tons of plastic waste was recycled in 2022..
Dyo Boya, which has had a Zero Waste Certificate in its Çiğli and Dilovası factories since 2020, manages its activities with a zero waste approach.
- In 2022, a reduction of 6.7 tons (38%) in single-use plastics was achieved.
With a strategic management approach; It is aimed to support sustainability with innovative and sustainable products in R&D activities, increase the level of digital maturity by improving efficiency in all business processes, disseminate a quality culture with a continuous improvement approach, and develop in-house collaborations and innovation.
- The aim is to increase efficiency, reduce cycle times and reduce errors in all activities.
- Lean 6 Sigma (6S) procedure has been implemented since 2007.
- Process Development Teams, process development activities and training are carried out.
- With high-participation projects aimed at improving the processes at Dyo Boya, which will form the basis for digitalization, improvements such as small improvement steps and RPA are carried out with "waste prevention, do it now, 5S" approaches.
- Strategy Workshops were held to create, disseminate and share strategies with the Strategic Idea Workshop Platform.
- System and Process Improvement Studies, Risk Analysis and KPI Integration were carried out with the Dyo Quality Ambassadors Program.o In order to improve DYO, the Bir Renk De Sen Ol suggestion platform, which allows employees from all levels to share their suggestions and ideas, was launched.
- Projects carried out are tracked with PYS - Project Management System.
With the Solvent Recovery Project, a 41% reduction in hazardous waste was achieved in 2022. Distilled solvents that meet quality specifications continue to be used in a controlled manner in products determined by R&D studies.
By separating recyclable waste, recyclable waste has been brought back into the economy.
- 34% of the hazardous waste disposed of in 2022 was sent for recycling.
- 57% of total waste was recycled in 2022.
Dyo Boya, which carries out water and wastewater management studies in line with Yaşar Group's understanding of "you cannot manage what you do not measure", continues its efficiency studies by considering the balance of protecting and using water resources.
- With rainwater recovery and use project
- It is aimed to use the collected rainwater for cooling, vehicle washing, garden irrigation and outdoor cleaning.
Triple Liability Commitment
Addressing the concept of sustainability in every dimension and managing its processes by setting strategic goals, Dyo Boya outlines the global chemical industry's unifying commitment to the safe management of chemicals throughout their life cycles, while encouraging their role in improving the quality of life and contributing to sustainable development. It signed its responsibility commitment in 2022.
- Inventory studies were completed in 2023.
- Benchmark and project studies are targeted for 2024.
Goals |
SKA 1 |
SKA 2 |
SKA 3 |
SKA 4 |
SKA 5 |
SKA 6 |
SKA 7 |
SKA 8 |
SKA 9 |
SKA 10 |
SKA 11 |
SKA 12 |
SKA 13 |
SKA 14 |
SKA 15 |
SKA 16 |
SKA 17 |
Dyo Boya Fab. |
✓ |
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Dyo Boya shares its sustainability approach in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals under the headings "Caring for Business", "Caring for Employees", "Caring for Society", "Caring for Business Partners" and "Caring for the Environment".
Dyo Boya continues its activities in line with the goals 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 17 of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Greenhouse Gas Emission Data
Greenhouse Gas Emissions (tCO2e) |
2020 |
2021 |
2022 |
2023* |
Scope 1 Emissions |
6.679 |
4.993 |
6.542 |
5.171 |
Scope 2 Emissions |
8.574 |
7.206 |
7.028 |
7.956 |
Scope 3 Emissions |
- |
- |
220.047 |
213.722 |
Total |
15.253 |
12.199 |
233.617 |
226.850 |
* The corporate carbon footprint verification process is ongoing. Data will be updated after verification.
Years |
Greenhouse Gas Emission Intensity (tCO2e/ton) |
2020 |
0,113 |
2021 |
0,086 |
2022 |
2,09 |
2023* |
1,52 |
Water Data
Dyo Boya Total Water Consumption (ML) |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
2024 |
127,21 |
141,48 |
154,63 |
158,662 |
* There is no discharge to the sea in Çiğli and Dilovası factories, and there is no water recovery for garden irrigation.
Waste Data
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
2024 |
Hazardous Waste (tons) |
2.821 |
2.149 |
3.059 |
3150 |
Non-Hazardous Waste (tons) |
3.494 |
2.695 |
3.579 |
3535 |
Total |
6.315 |
4.844 |
6.638 |
6685 |