How can we prevent brush marks?

Brushes are usually used in indoor applications, particularly for lining and detailed ones. A brush or roller mark will usually pose a problem directly associated with workmanship. In order to eliminate the problem, the paint applied on the spots with a lining fitch should be thinned taking into account the legend information of the paint. In addition, particularly in semi-matte or silk-matte paint applications, it would be better if 2 people homogenously apply the paint in line with each other to solve the problem. On the other hand, roller marks on exterior walls and uneven pattern problems with texture paint will be caused by workmanship. This problem occurs more often in hot and windy weather. The product should be applied reversely following the direction of the sun. The product should not be applied at high-noon hours. Furthermore, the brush and the roller used should be of good quality to avoid this problem.