What causes the shiny spot problem after wiping and how is it solved?

Interior wall paints have a certain wiping resistance. As the glossiness values of paints increase, ease of and resistance to wipeablity increase accordingly. In particular, washability resistance is lower in matte-plastic paints compared to semi-matte and glossy paints. If the surface turns out to be very absorbent during application, the binder of the paints will be absorbed by the surface. This causes the washability resistance of the paint on the surface to decrease. If no sufficient paint is applied to the surface, the paint film layer will be too thin. Such weakness will occur more quickly in the thin film layers. When any stain on the surface is tried to be removed after application, shiny spot problems may be observed on the surface. These shiny spots and marks will be more noticeable on darker colors. Paints have a certain wiping resistance. However, the condition of the surface as well as the application on the surface are the most significant factors reducing the washability resistance of the paint. No abrasive agents - detergents - should be used while cleaning the surface. If there is any situation requiring frequent washing of the surface, then a glossier paint should be re-applied for the solution of the problem.